List Company Selling Battery Lithium in Banten April 2024 | Indonetwork

This is the list of suppliers, importers, shops, distributors selling Battery Lithium throughout Indonesia. The list of companies in Indonetwork is verified and trusted. is a B2B advertising media platform specifically for companies, stores, suppliers, distributors, importers, exporters, agents, services, factories. You can contact shops, distributors, Battery Lithium suppliers that have joined Indonetwork directly to get information related to the products you want from trusted suppliers and distributors with the best price quotes.


PT. Biruni Geo Pratama
Joined for 8 Year
Tahun 2007 kami memulai usaha dibidang penjualan alat survey dan pemetaan seperti GPS, Total Station, Theodolite,echo sunder, water pass, Laser distance meter dan alat pendukung lainnya seperti software dan peta digital. Tahun 2008 kami mulai ekspansi dengan memasarkan  teleskop dan binocular. Kami
Mall WTC Matahari Serpong Lantai 2 blok S20 Tangerang
Kota Tangerang Selatan
PT. Indo Energi Elektrik with BiruBatt brand is manufacture assembly Battery lithium ion Phosphate (LiFePO 4) pack with various capacity and voltage range. It is widely used for energy storage system, communication base station power supply, street lig hts power supply solar system, It’s adopt
Jl. Manis Raya No. 24 Jatiuwung Tangerang, Banten, 15810
Kabupaten Tangerang
PT. INDO ENERGI ELEKTRIK bergerak dalam bidang R&D, produksi dan penjualan sistem tenaga terdistribusi, modul baterai lithium standar, sistem penyimpanan energi baterai lithium (ESS), sistem managemen baterai (BMS), dan platform lo energi.
KAWASAN 3 MULTI GUDANG Blok A2 No. 3, Jl. Raya Manis II Tangerang - Banten
Kabupaten Tangerang
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