Jual Souvenir Manicure Set MD02 Promosi Perawatan Kuku Banten - Zero Promosi | Indonetwork

Souvenir Manicure Set MD02 Promosi Perawatan Kuku

Last Update
28 / 11 / 2024
300 Buah
42 Times

Rp. 28.500  


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Specification of Souvenir Manicure Set MD02 Promosi Perawatan Kuku

Browse through the extensive list of Nail Care. Find the best offer from thousand of supplier in Indonetwork.
With this tool set containing 7 tools, you can care for your nails, ears and eyebrows easily, without having to bother going to a professional grooming place. and is also equipped with a special box so that it can be carried easily or not easily scattered.

✔ Material: Combination of Stainless and synthetic leather
✔ Color: Brown Leather (2 boxes)
✔ Product Size: 6 cm x 10.5 cm
✔ Product weight: 200 grams
✔ Printing method: Screen printing
✔ Wallet contents:
1. Edge nail clippers
2. Clip the middle nail
3. Ear cleaner
4 . Tweezers/eyebrow plucker
5. beauty scissors
6. nail sharpener
7. nail cleaner
✔ Product price: IDR 28,500 / pcs

▶ Price for minimum order of 300 pcs
▶ Prices are not binding and may change at any time without notice
▶ Prices do not include logo printing

Our products are guaranteed real pictures with no fakes because all production is carried out by experienced staff and through strict control, so that all products sent have passed quality control👍 for customer satisfaction

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