Jual Perangkat Uji Triaxial dan Uniaxial Semi Otomatis pada mekanika Batuan DKI Jakarta - PT. New Module International | Indonetwork

Perangkat Uji Triaxial dan Uniaxial Semi Otomatis pada mekanika Batuan

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Specification of Perangkat Uji Triaxial dan Uniaxial Semi Otomatis pada mekanika Batuan

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Semi-Automatic Uniaxial and Triaxial Test System
Merk/Di suplai dari : Controls – Italy

Kode Barang : 50-C56W02

Standard : ASTM D2664 (dan SNI 2815 - 2011) | ASTM D2938 (dan SNI 2825 : 2008) | ASTM D3148(SNI 2826 : 2008) | ASTM D5407 | EN 14580 | EN 1926 | ASTM D7012

The Semi-Automatic configuration for determining the elastic modulus and strength characteristics of rock specimens is based on automatic WIDZARD AUTO compression machine for axial loading and manually-operated pump for confining pressure. It performs either uniaxial or triaxial tests under load/stress control (no strain).
The 2 systems are operated independently and the failure envelope is obtained by a series of individual tests (single - stage) with manual adjustment of the axial load and manual application of the confining pressure at different levels.
Main Features
Suitable for determining elastic modulus and strength characteristics of rock specimens under uniaxial and triaxial conditions
Composed by 2 indipendent systems: high stiffness compression machine and low friction manual pressure maintainer
Max working lateral pressure: 40 MPa
Advanced external data acquisition system with new touch screen Datalog 8
Technical Specifications
Lateral pressure system
The 32-D0558 Low friction manual pressure maintainer is used for maintaining constant the desired lateral pressure in the Hoek triaxial cells. The unit comprises a hand pump connected to a special oil reservoir, a precision pressure gauge, a pressure maintainer and a flexible hose 3 m long with a 90° quick release coupling.
Max working pressure: 40 MPa
Weight approx.: 15 kg

Informasi Produk :

Alat Uji Beton
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PT. New Module International

Lebih dari 39 tahun lebih Kami menjadi Supplier peralatan Pengujian material konstruksi untuk keperluan peralatan Konstruksi Gedung, Jalan, Jembatan, Bendungan, dan konstruksi teknik sipil lainnya, khusus untuk peralatan kualitas Tanah, Beton, Aspal, Batuan dan material konstruksi lainnya.

Kami menjadi Agen resmi dari beberapa merek yang sudah dikenal di Dunia dalam bidangnnya untuk material konstruksi dan juga instrumentasi pengawasan pergerakan lahan, Cuaca, dsb..

Beberapa merek yang kami agenkan antara lain : Controls – Italia ( alat pengujian laboratorium dan lapangan untuk material konstruksi) ; Slope Indicator – USA ( Instrumentasi yang digunakan untuk mengawasi pergerakan, penurunan, deformasi lahan) untuk menunjang perencanaan bangunan yang Effisien; Hydrological Services – Australia ( Instrumentasi pemantauan cuaca) ; Unidata – Australia ( Instrumentasi pemantauan cuaca dengan telemeteri system) ; Nikon – Japan ( microscope) , dsb.

Selain bidang yang telah kami jelaskan diatas, kami juga menyediakan peralatan laboratorium untuk Bidang Lainnya yaitu : Life Science, Petrochemical, Industrial, Dll.

Outline Of Business :

Geotechnic Dept :
Controls ( Italy) : Testing Equipment for Soils/ Concrete/ Aggregates/ Bituminous/ Asphalt/ Cement/ Rock, Etc

Slope Indicator ( USA) : Inclinometers / Piezometers / Vibration Monitor / Extensometers / Strain Gages / Intelligent Data Acquisition System, Etc.

Hydrological Services ( Australia) : Current Meter / Water Level Instruments / Hydromat Data Collection Equipment / Automated Weather Observations, Etc.

Unidata ( Australia) : Waterlevel Measurement, Waterquality Monitoring, Weather Station System ( Analog and Telemetry System)

TPS ( Australia) : instrumentation for pH, Redox, Specific Ions, Conductivity, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity and Temperature for Research and Industry.

Troxler ( USA) : Quality Control and Measurement Equipments / Moisture and Density Gauges / Surface Thin Layer Density Gauge / Non Nuclear Density Gauge / Asphalt Content Gauge, etc.
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