Cash Box
Last Update
17 / 12 / 2019
155 Times
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Specification of Cash Box
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Kami menjual Cash Box V- Tec, mesin laminating, mesin hitung uang, mesin penghancur kertas, money detector, dan segala merk, hubungi kami segera 021- 47863587, 92675211
PT. Ermich Karya Abadi
Pt. Ermich Karya Abadi Bergerak Di bidang Alat Tulis Kantor, komputer, dan perlengkapan kantor
Hal : Penawaran Alat Tulis Kantor ( ATK)
Kepada Yth,
Purchasing Departement
Di Tempat
Dengan Hormat,
Bersama ini kami lampirkan daftar rincian harga untuk penawaran alat tulis kantor ( ATK) / Stationery di perusahaan bapak/ ibu.
1 Absensi Card Apell re-100
2 Adhesive Label / label Tom & Jerry No. 107 pad
3 Amplove Jaya 104 pad
4 Balpoint Boxy 001
6 Balpoint Snowman V-1
7 Balpoint Faster C-6
8 Battery Alkaline AA
9 Battery ABC kecil
10 Binder Clips / Double Klip Joyko
11 Binder Computer Bambi 34090
12 Binder Ordner Bindex F-4, Qrt, thin box
13 Board Maker/ Spidol White board Snowman
14 Book/ buku, 40 s. BO A-4
15 Box File Star keranjan
16 Buku tulis 100 lbr Damai F-4
17 Calculator Citizen SDC 868L
18 Cash Box Iciban IB
19 CD - R non casing Verbatim 700 MB
20 Cello tape / isolasi Panfix
21 Clear Holder / Map bening Daichi Filex Transparant Plastic/ IM02
22 Computer File Bambi 9 1/ 2 x 11
23 Computer Grade Sony 90P
24 Continous form kecil ( 9 1/ 2 x 11) Smart 1 ply
25 Correction Pen / tip ex Kenko KE - 01
26 Cutter / Pisau Kenko A - 300
27 Desk Organizer / tempat ATK Microdot No. 83122
28 Devider / pembatas Bambi 5110 A-4
29 Disket Maxel 3 1/ 2 HD
30 Diskette / disket Verbatim 3 1/ 2 HD
31 Diskette storagebox/ kotak disket Micro Dot MD - 50 L
32 Double Tape Kenko 3 cm.
33 Durable File Map IMCO 1828
34 Ear Folder / map kuping Diamond No. 6001
35 Electronic calculator Karce 10 digit
36 Elevated Tray / Baki Surat Micro Dot 3 tray, 603 M
37 Envelope / amplop Jaya Brown kabinet size
38 Fax Paper Smart 210 x 30
39 Fax Paper Fax 210mm x 30m
40 File Box/ Kotak Arsip Bambi Jumbo
41 Fine line / boxi Boxi UB - 105
42 Flip Card kensi 75 x 100
43 Folio book / buku tebal folio Bintang Obor Hard Cover ( Big)
44 Glue/ lem UHU 21 gr
45 Gunting Kenko Middle Size
46 Gunting Best FM L size
47 Hanging Map / map gantung Fujita No. S67
48 Highlighter / Stabilo Joyko PP31
49 Ink Cartridge / tinta printer Canon BCI - 11 Black
50 Isi Stapler Eton
51 Lack Ban / lakban Joyko Cloth 5 cm
52 Lack Ban / lakban Daimaru Brown Plastic 100 yard
53 Laminating Plastic Taiyo Folio
54 Lommer Pockets Bantex 2042
55 Name Card Case / Box KN Kenko 400 Carde
56 Name Card Holder/ tempat KN Kenko 4 Card
57 Name tag Multi 101
58 Note Book / Notes ABE Spiral 1/ 2 Quarto
59 Odner Gema 801
60 Odner Prizt kwitansi
61 Odner prizt Folio
62 Ordner Goby 8401
63 Paper / Maker / Spidol biasa Snowman Small
64 Paper Clips / Klip kertas Atom Jumbo Size No. 5
65 Paper Fasteners, jepitan map Acco Plastic & Colour
66 Paper Folder / map kertas Diamond 5002
67 Pen Snowman AE-7
68 Pen / Pulpen Faster CX 606
69 Pen / Pulpen Pilot BPT-P
70 Pencil / pensil Chunghwa 2B
71 Pencil Eraser / penghapus Steadler 526.B40/ Small
72 Pencil Refill Pilot 2B 0.5
73 Pita Label Printer Casio KR-6
74 Pita Refill Epson 7755
75 Plastic Folder/ mapplastik+ jepitan Daichi Filex W/ Fasthener, 840 H-FC
76 Printer Cartridge / tinta Hewletpackard
77 Printer Cartridge / tinta Epson Stylus
78 Punch Joyco 30
79 Punch / pembolong Kenko No. 30 XL
80 Push Pin / paku softboard Kenko PN - 30 box
81 Quarto book / buku tebal Quarto Cl Hard Cover ( Small) pcs
82 Refill Catridge HP black ( Original) USA 40ml pcs
83 Refill Catridge HP color ( Original) USA 40ml pcs
84 Ring Binder Plastic 5/ 16 rol
85 Ruler / Penggaris Butterfly 30 cm
86 Samp Pad / bak stempel Artline Size No. J Format NR 1
87 Solatip Gold 1/ 2x36 roll
88 Spidol, Color Snowman BG-12
89 Stamp Pad Ink / tinta stempel Pyramid 50 cc
90 Stapler Max HD - 10
91 Stapler Joyko HD-10
92 Sticky Notes / post it 3 M No. 654
93 Telephones Book / buku telepon Apell Book Size
94 Transparant Sheet Yashica Foli
95 Trigonal Clips/ KlipKertas Segitiga Joyko No. 3
Demikianlah surat penawaran ini kami perbuat, sambil menunggu kabar dari bapak/ ibu
kami mengucapkan banyak terimakasih.
NB : - Selain daftar diatas tersedia juga berbagai keperluan alat tulis kantor / office supplies lainnya, seperti :
Komputer set / rakitan, Printer, LCD, OHP, Mesin Photocopy, Filling Kabinet, Kursi, Meja dan lain - lain
dengan harga yang tetap competitive.
- Barang diantar ketempat tanpa minimum order untuk daerah Jakarta
- Barang yang rusak / tidak sesuai permintaan dapat dikembalikan/ ditukar kembali.
- Pembayaran Melalui Bank, Transfer Ke Rekening PT. ERMICH KARYAABADI
Hormat Kami
Erika S.
021- 22988418/ 021- 28674374
0817 643 7788 ( XL)
0817 602 7788 ( XL)
0813 3147 2348 ( Simpati)
0813 31466 6604
Chaerul Chong/ Erika
Telp. 021-22988418, 021-28674374
Hp : 0817-602 788, 0813 3146 6604
Email : [email protected]
Website: //
TELP. 021- 47884619
Hal : Penawaran Alat Tulis Kantor ( ATK)
Kepada Yth,
Purchasing Departement
Di Tempat
Dengan Hormat,
Bersama ini kami lampirkan daftar rincian harga untuk penawaran alat tulis kantor ( ATK) / Stationery di perusahaan bapak/ ibu.
1 Absensi Card Apell re-100
2 Adhesive Label / label Tom & Jerry No. 107 pad
3 Amplove Jaya 104 pad
4 Balpoint Boxy 001
6 Balpoint Snowman V-1
7 Balpoint Faster C-6
8 Battery Alkaline AA
9 Battery ABC kecil
10 Binder Clips / Double Klip Joyko
11 Binder Computer Bambi 34090
12 Binder Ordner Bindex F-4, Qrt, thin box
13 Board Maker/ Spidol White board Snowman
14 Book/ buku, 40 s. BO A-4
15 Box File Star keranjan
16 Buku tulis 100 lbr Damai F-4
17 Calculator Citizen SDC 868L
18 Cash Box Iciban IB
19 CD - R non casing Verbatim 700 MB
20 Cello tape / isolasi Panfix
21 Clear Holder / Map bening Daichi Filex Transparant Plastic/ IM02
22 Computer File Bambi 9 1/ 2 x 11
23 Computer Grade Sony 90P
24 Continous form kecil ( 9 1/ 2 x 11) Smart 1 ply
25 Correction Pen / tip ex Kenko KE - 01
26 Cutter / Pisau Kenko A - 300
27 Desk Organizer / tempat ATK Microdot No. 83122
28 Devider / pembatas Bambi 5110 A-4
29 Disket Maxel 3 1/ 2 HD
30 Diskette / disket Verbatim 3 1/ 2 HD
31 Diskette storagebox/ kotak disket Micro Dot MD - 50 L
32 Double Tape Kenko 3 cm.
33 Durable File Map IMCO 1828
34 Ear Folder / map kuping Diamond No. 6001
35 Electronic calculator Karce 10 digit
36 Elevated Tray / Baki Surat Micro Dot 3 tray, 603 M
37 Envelope / amplop Jaya Brown kabinet size
38 Fax Paper Smart 210 x 30
39 Fax Paper Fax 210mm x 30m
40 File Box/ Kotak Arsip Bambi Jumbo
41 Fine line / boxi Boxi UB - 105
42 Flip Card kensi 75 x 100
43 Folio book / buku tebal folio Bintang Obor Hard Cover ( Big)
44 Glue/ lem UHU 21 gr
45 Gunting Kenko Middle Size
46 Gunting Best FM L size
47 Hanging Map / map gantung Fujita No. S67
48 Highlighter / Stabilo Joyko PP31
49 Ink Cartridge / tinta printer Canon BCI - 11 Black
50 Isi Stapler Eton
51 Lack Ban / lakban Joyko Cloth 5 cm
52 Lack Ban / lakban Daimaru Brown Plastic 100 yard
53 Laminating Plastic Taiyo Folio
54 Lommer Pockets Bantex 2042
55 Name Card Case / Box KN Kenko 400 Carde
56 Name Card Holder/ tempat KN Kenko 4 Card
57 Name tag Multi 101
58 Note Book / Notes ABE Spiral 1/ 2 Quarto
59 Odner Gema 801
60 Odner Prizt kwitansi
61 Odner prizt Folio
62 Ordner Goby 8401
63 Paper / Maker / Spidol biasa Snowman Small
64 Paper Clips / Klip kertas Atom Jumbo Size No. 5
65 Paper Fasteners, jepitan map Acco Plastic & Colour
66 Paper Folder / map kertas Diamond 5002
67 Pen Snowman AE-7
68 Pen / Pulpen Faster CX 606
69 Pen / Pulpen Pilot BPT-P
70 Pencil / pensil Chunghwa 2B
71 Pencil Eraser / penghapus Steadler 526.B40/ Small
72 Pencil Refill Pilot 2B 0.5
73 Pita Label Printer Casio KR-6
74 Pita Refill Epson 7755
75 Plastic Folder/ mapplastik+ jepitan Daichi Filex W/ Fasthener, 840 H-FC
76 Printer Cartridge / tinta Hewletpackard
77 Printer Cartridge / tinta Epson Stylus
78 Punch Joyco 30
79 Punch / pembolong Kenko No. 30 XL
80 Push Pin / paku softboard Kenko PN - 30 box
81 Quarto book / buku tebal Quarto Cl Hard Cover ( Small) pcs
82 Refill Catridge HP black ( Original) USA 40ml pcs
83 Refill Catridge HP color ( Original) USA 40ml pcs
84 Ring Binder Plastic 5/ 16 rol
85 Ruler / Penggaris Butterfly 30 cm
86 Samp Pad / bak stempel Artline Size No. J Format NR 1
87 Solatip Gold 1/ 2x36 roll
88 Spidol, Color Snowman BG-12
89 Stamp Pad Ink / tinta stempel Pyramid 50 cc
90 Stapler Max HD - 10
91 Stapler Joyko HD-10
92 Sticky Notes / post it 3 M No. 654
93 Telephones Book / buku telepon Apell Book Size
94 Transparant Sheet Yashica Foli
95 Trigonal Clips/ KlipKertas Segitiga Joyko No. 3
Demikianlah surat penawaran ini kami perbuat, sambil menunggu kabar dari bapak/ ibu
kami mengucapkan banyak terimakasih.
NB : - Selain daftar diatas tersedia juga berbagai keperluan alat tulis kantor / office supplies lainnya, seperti :
Komputer set / rakitan, Printer, LCD, OHP, Mesin Photocopy, Filling Kabinet, Kursi, Meja dan lain - lain
dengan harga yang tetap competitive.
- Barang diantar ketempat tanpa minimum order untuk daerah Jakarta
- Barang yang rusak / tidak sesuai permintaan dapat dikembalikan/ ditukar kembali.
- Pembayaran Melalui Bank, Transfer Ke Rekening PT. ERMICH KARYAABADI
Hormat Kami
Erika S.
021- 22988418/ 021- 28674374
0817 643 7788 ( XL)
0817 602 7788 ( XL)
0813 3147 2348 ( Simpati)
0813 31466 6604
Chaerul Chong/ Erika
Telp. 021-22988418, 021-28674374
Hp : 0817-602 788, 0813 3146 6604
Email : [email protected]
Website: //
TELP. 021- 47884619
Premium Gold
14 Year
Ruko Cipayung Green View Block A No. 6 | Jl. Cipayung Raya - 13840 - Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia -13840
Last Login 10 / 08 / 2023