Chloride ions are one of the major inorganic anions in water and wastewater. Although high concentrations of chloride in water are not known to be toxic to humans, its regulation is mainly due to taste. It is essential to monitor chloride concentration in boiler systems to prevent damage of metal pa...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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In nature, lakes and rivers contain carbon dioxide in concentrations smaller than 10 mg/L (or ppm), however, stagnant or contaminated water can contain higher concentrations because of organic decomposition. This creates a problem for fish farming applications.Carbon dioxide can be measured quickly ...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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Test Kit
23 / May / 2023
Rp. 123
Min Order: 1 Unit
The HI 3815 chloride test kit is quick, easy to use and portable. The design makes the kit easy to handle and, except for mercuric solution, practically prevents accidental injury or damage due to spills. The pH is lowered to approximately 3 by addition of nitric acid. Mercuric ions react with chlor...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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Titration is used to find the concentration of an identified chemical in a solution (e.g., water).In our standard Titration kits, there will be a Titrant solution that is added to the solution (e.g., water) to be tested to make it change colour. The Reagent is then added under monitored conditions.D...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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The HI-3817 combination test kit offers all the necessary equipment for accurate and reliable water quality testing. This kit allows you to monitor the most important chemical parameters in water: alkalinity, chloride, hardness, iron, pH and sulphite.This test kit has all the reagents needed to perf...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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A multi-parameter chemical test kit which measures 6 of the most common parameters for environmental applications. Acidity, Alkalinity, Carbon Dioxide, Dissolved Oxygen, Hardness and pH, can all be measured with this combination chemical test kit.For the best service and prices contact:WatyCV. KARUN...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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Test Kit
23 / May / 2023
Rp. 123
Min Order: 1 Unit
Marine science chemical test kit to test and measure key marine parameters such as Alkalinity, Carbon Dioxide, Dissolved Oxygen, Hardness, pH and Salinity.The HI-3823 provides users with the most important test parameters for aquaculture applications: alkalinity, carbon dioxide, dissolved oxygen, ha...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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The Hanna dissolved oxygen portable test kit can determine the oxygen concentration in water quickly and easily.The chemical test kit allows up to 110 tests of Dissolved Oxygen to be taken from 0.0 to 10.0mg/L with 0.1mg/L resolution.Manganous ions react with oxygen in the presence of potassium hydr...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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Sodium hypochlorite is used as a bleaching agent in paper and textile industries and as a disinfectant in drinking water and swimming pools.The HI-3843 Hypochlorite test kit makes monitoring easy, quick and safe.Sodium hypochlorite is used as a bleaching agent in paper and textile industries and as ...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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The HI-3822 sulphite test kit makes monitoring easy, quick and safe. The compact size gives the user the versatility to use the kit practically anywhere. The design of the kit makes it practically impossible to spill the reagents, thereby reducing the possibility of injury or damage to property.The ...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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As a disinfectant or a bleaching agent, hydrogen peroxide finds applications in water treatment, textile, pulp and paper industries. Titration method. The HI-3844 test kit can quickly and easily determine concentration in water up to 10 ppm of hydrogen peroxide. This is due to the fact that it is no...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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Boron is one of the micronutrients essential for plant growth. It may be present in natural water or in industrial waste effluents.The Hanna HI 38074 test kit can determine boron concentration in irrigation waters by direct titration of boric acid.Boric acid/borate react with chemical compounds cont...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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Ozone Meter / Testkit HI 38054 is a tool to display ozone which is used for the oxidation of organic substances that produce color and odor in drinking water. This ozone meter/ozone test kit is perfect for determining the presence and amount of ozone. Ozone meter / test kit provides high test accura...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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Test Kit
19 / May / 2023
Rp. 123
Min Order: 1 Unit
The HI3812 is a titration-based chemical test kit that determines the total hardness concentration in two ranges: 0.0 to 30.0 mg/L and 0 to 300 mg/L. The HI3812 is supplied with all of the necessary reagents and equipment to perform the analysis. The test kit contains enough reagents for perform app...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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Test Kit
17 / May / 2023
Rp. 123
Min Order: 1 Box
MERCK 114770.0001 Manganese Test Kit Spectroquant 500 testManganese Test KitMERCK (GERMANY)Catalogue Number 114770.0001Metode: fotometrik 0.010 - 10.00 mg/l Mn SpectroquantHS Code 3822 00 00Storage Simpan pada +15C hingga +25C.For the best service and prices contact:WatyCV. KARUNIA MAKMUR PERSADATRI...
CV. Karunia Makmur Persada
16 Year
Kota Medan - Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
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Jual Hardness hanna kit Pentair
Rp 1,000,000
Spesifikasi Hardness test kit Pentair
Jual hardness test kit Pentair untuk menguji kekerasan air
Test Air Hardness (Zat Kapur) akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan jumlah kekerasan pada air kolam dan air isi ulang (make up water) hanya dala...
CV. Mitra Usaha Mandiri
16 Year
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
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Jual pH dan TDS monitor
Rp 1,200,000
Rentang: pH: 0.00 ~ 14.00 pH
TDS: 0.00 ~ 19.99 ppt
Resolusi: pH: 0,01pH
TDS: 0,...
CV. Mitra Usaha Mandiri
16 Year
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
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Test Kit
24 / Feb / 2021
Rp. 123
Min Order: 1 Box
Jual / sell :
Sani-Check SRB Kit, agen Sani-Check SRB Kit, distributor Sani-Check SRB Kit (25 Tests per Kit), jual Sani-Check SRB Kit , Sani-Check SRB Kit murah.Data sheet / deskripsi :Sani-Check SRB Kit (25 Tests per Kit)
Anaerobic sulfate reducing bacteria are ubiqu...
Abadi Utama Glodok
15 Year
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat - DKI Jakarta - Indonesia
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JUAL ALAT TEST CEPAT KOLAM RENANG HANNA HI 3887, MITRA WATER 0822 3333 4224 HI3887 adalah alat uji kolam renang cek cepat yang mengukur klorin dan pH bebas. Klorin bebas diukur dengan menggunakan metode DPD; PH diukur dengan menggunakan indikator pH visual. Kit ini dilengkapi dengan semua reagen dan...
CV. Mitra Usaha Mandiri
16 Year
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
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Air Quality MonitorJual alat test elektrolisa air untuk menguji secara visual kandungan padatan terlarut di dalam air, Mitra Water 0822 3333 4224
Spesifikasi alat test elektrolisa air:Secara Teori Elektrolisa Air Adalah Peristiwa Penguraian Senyawa Air (H2o) Menjadi Oksigen (O2) Dan Hidrogen Gas (H...
CV. Mitra Usaha Mandiri
16 Year
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
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SALINTEST SALT TESTER HANNA Jual Salintest salt tester Hanna HI 98203, alat test digital untuk mengukur kadar garam di dalam air. Hubungi: CV. Mitra Water 081234590404 The SALINTEST salt tester Hanna can help you monitor the concentration of sodium chloride in water and is ideal for aquaculture syst...
CV. Mitra Usaha Mandiri
16 Year
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
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Tersedia pH dan Chlorin Tester Test Kit yang digunakan dalam pengukuran kadar pH dan kandungan Chlorin yang terlarut dalam air. pH dan Chlorin Tester banya digunakan pada beberapa tempat yang menggunakan air sebagai kebutuhan pokok dan penting, seperti kolam renan...
CV. Mitra Usaha Mandiri
16 Year
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
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Jual elektrolit tester, adalah alat untuk menguji sifat elektolit suatu cairan atau air. Hubungi: Mitra Water 0822 3333 4224
Alat uji kualitas air elektrolit tester digunakan untuk menguji sifat elektolit air atau cairan. Dimana air mengandung logam atau mineral yang dapat menghantarkan listri...
CV. Mitra Usaha Mandiri
16 Year
Kota Surabaya - Jawa Timur - Indonesia
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Test Kit
04 / Jun / 2024
Min Order: 1 Unit
HI38039 / HI 38039 Iron LR Checker Disc Chemical Test KitIron is naturally present in water in low concentrations, but it reaches high concentrations in wastewater effluents. The iron concentration in water needs to be monitored because it becomes harmful above certain levels. In domestic water, for...
Laboratorium Ins
1 Year
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara - DKI Jakarta - Indonesia
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Test Kit
04 / Jun / 2024
Min Order: 1 Unit
HI3810-100 Dissolved Oxygen Chemical Test Kit Replacement ReagentHI3810-100 adalah reagen berkualitas tinggi yang telah diukur sebelumnya, memungkinkan pengguna untuk mencapai pengukuran oksigen terlarut yang cepat dan akurat dengan kit uji kimia. Reagen ini mengikuti metode titrasi Winkler yang dim...
Laboratorium Ins
1 Year
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara - DKI Jakarta - Indonesia
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HI3810 / HI 3810 Dissolved Oxygen Chemical Test KitHI3810 adalah kit uji kimia berbasis titrasi yang menentukan konsentrasi oksigen terlarut dalam kisaran 0 hingga 10 mg / L Ol2. HI3810 dilengkapi dengan semua reagen dan peralatan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan analisis. Kit tes berisi reagen yang ...
Laboratorium Ins
1 Year
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara - DKI Jakarta - Indonesia
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HI3831F / HI 3831F Free Chlorine Test KitDisinfeksi adalah proses membunuh organisme penyebab penyakit (atau patogen). Klor (Cl2) adalah disinfektan yang sangat diinginkan karena bila dicampur dengan air murni, ia akan bereaksi membentuk asam hipoklorit (HOCl) dan asam klorida (HCl). HOCl (klorin ak...
Laboratorium Ins
1 Year
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara - DKI Jakarta - Indonesia
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Test Kit
04 / Jun / 2024
Min Order: 1 Unit
HI3831T-050 / HI 3831T-050 Total Chlorine Test Kit Replacement ReagentHI3831T-050 adalah reagen berkualitas tinggi yang telah diukur sebelumnya, memungkinkan pengguna untuk mencapai pengukuran klorin total yang cepat dan akurat dengan kit uji kimia. Reagen ini mengikuti metode DPD (N, N-dietyl-p-phe...
Laboratorium Ins
1 Year
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara - DKI Jakarta - Indonesia
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HI3831T / HI 3831T Total Chlorine Test KitSignificance of UseThe chlorination of water supplies and polluted waters is used mainly to destroy or deactivate disease-producing microorganisms. Chlorine also serves to improve the quality of drinking waters, as it reacts with ammonia, iron, manganese, su...
Laboratorium Ins
1 Year
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara - DKI Jakarta - Indonesia
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Test Kit
04 / Jun / 2024
Min Order: 1 Unit
HI38001 / HI 38001 Sulfate Test Kit (Low and High Range)The HI38001 is a chemical test kit that determines the sulfate concentration in two ranges: 100 to 1000 mg/L and 1000 to 10000 mg/L. The HI38001 is supplied with all of the necessary reagents and equipment to perform the analysis. The test kit ...
Laboratorium Ins
1 Year
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara - DKI Jakarta - Indonesia
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